Monday, April 2, 2012

Is April the month

The official days countdown to Froggy's arrival has begun. We are 27 days away from the 'due date' but that, in general, means little to me. I am just excited that we are in the month of April and that much closer. Doctors have been very positive about everything with this pregnancy and baby has been doing great. I am hoping that the next 4 weeks go smoothly and come with no surprises. Froggy's room is ready whenever s/he is ready to make their entrance.

I am anxious to find out who this active little bugger is and cannot wait to see their face and just have them in my arms. I might be a little anxious to start over again, but I imagine it's like riding a bike, you can just pick it up from where you left off. I pray that Raegan makes a smooth transition into big sisterhood and enjoys helping with froggy. She is very nurturing to all her babies and stuffed animals, so I really think she will do great. I think she might just get a little bored being at home with just me and a baby and no one else to play with. Luckily, we should be in the warmer weather at that point and can play outside with out neighbors.

Mike is still working hard to finish up the yearbook before the month is up. He will be enjoying spring break this week, but will probably end up doing a ton around the house and school work amid the relaxing. Mikes dad has been working at the house replacing the siding for the past couple weeks and should be done before baby gets here. This is a really good thing cause it is loud when they are doing it. Thank goodness the girls all sleep right through it!

I go for an ultrasound next week, so I will try to update after that with pics and news of how froggy is progressing. We are going to be celebrating Raegan's 2nd birthday next week too, so lots of pics. I can't believe my baby is gonna be two; she's such a big girl now.

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