Tuesday, May 1, 2012

HE is here!

The Shunt family is proud to announce the arrival of Joshua Patrick on April 30, 2012, which happened to be my grandaddy's birthday, which I find special, like he has a guardian angel looking out for him. He weighed in at 8 pounds even (smaller than his big sister; I keep telling him he needs to eat so she doesn't always beat up on him. I suppose we have time for that) and 20 inches long.
The story starts. I began having irregular contraction on Sunday morning. Since never really experiencing real contractions with Rae I pretty much kept them to myself and Michael for the day because I didn't want to get ahead of ourselves. We did some mall walking and then I took an hour walk by myself while Rae napped. We headed to my parents for dinner and all through dinner I kept them hidden. We finally decided I should tell my mom in case I needed to wake her in the middle of the night since I was staying there over night. Contractions kept me up all night and seemed fairly regular to me. Laying down and sitting were my enemy, so sleep was not a choice. By the morning, I thought for sure things were gonna get moving as I was having bad back pain. We decided just to wait for my doctors appointment and see what they said. After checking fluids and a very painful non stress test, the doctor stripped my membranes and said let's head up and have a baby. At this point, he said I was around two centimeters, which is farther than I got by myself with Raegan, so I thought this could be good. Fast forward 5 hours, one dose of pain meds and we are still at two...
Needless to say, I was not happy. The doctor said since everything was still looking good with baby, we had three options: keep doing nothing and see what happens, break water, or do csection. (mind you, this is the one doctor in the practice of 6 that i do not like at all, must my luck) After many, many tears, we decided it was just going to be better to have our froggy in our arms sooner rather than later, so a repeat csection it would be. After making sure Nancy, Michael's mom was there (she missed Rae's and we didn't want her to miss this one), we headed to the or. We had a great nurse and an awesome anesthesiologist and everything went smoothly. Out came baby boy and immediately peed all over (we only wish it landed on the doc). Guess that's one thing I'll have to get used to about boys!
Both our families were there to great little Joshua with welcome arms. After all got a chance to hold him, we patiently waited to be sent to our room. One does not have much patients at 1230 in the am! We finally got settled around 130 and we're able to take a nap while he was getting washed up and warmed up in the nursery.
Raegan has been completely in love with him at first sight. She is already protective of him and let's us know when he's crying and what he's doing. The first time she held him, it was about 4 seconds, but who could blame the girl, it was 11 at night and she was tired! Since then, I don't think she would let him go if we let her keep him. She even pets him and gives him a bunch of kisses. It's adorable and I'm in love with them both.
We look forward to the visitors in the weeks ahead and really can't wait for everyone to meet our froggy, Joshua.
Much love,
Michael, Raegan, Joshua, and Jennifer
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