Thursday, July 29, 2010

Almost 4 months old

Here are some pictures of our latest adventures:
Rae has discovered a new friend; herself!

Swimming for the first time in Madison

She loves her exosaucer and all the fun toys it has!

Still a thumb sucking baby; so irresistible!

Our family outing to Sycamore, IL

All smiles on the 4th

Great Uncle Tom is fun!

It's the end of July already! Summer really is flying by. Mike spent a week at Tower Hill at Hug Camp in Sawyer, MI being a camp counselor at the camp I was formerly a counselor at. From all the pictures he took (1500) and the website ( he put together, I think he had a great time. It was a hot week, but full of lots of memories and good times. While he was away, Raegan and I visited my friend Amanda and her two boys, Anthony and Elliot, in Madison, WI. We had a great time just hanging out and swimming in the kiddie pools (although, Anthony did most of the swimming). While we both enjoyed our time apart, I think everyone was excited to be back together as a family.

Raegan is doing great! Her first 4th of July was a big success. We had a very busy, full weekend. She really enjoyed her first fireworks show- she fell asleep on her Godfather Scott! Then we spent the day with Grandpa, Aunt Tracy, and Uncle Tom and Alpay. It was great to relax and enjoy the company. On the 4th, she slept through the parade. After the parade, we enjoyed food and games at Great Grams house with the whole fam. Altogether a great weekend! Rae is now so full of giggles, smiles, and babbles up a storm. She loves playing with all her toys and even telling them stories. It is so cute to see her interact with things and even more so when she is interacting with us. She loves to sit up and look around. Her latest thing is to watch tv; we might be in trouble a little sooner than we thought! When I last checked her weight and length, she was around 13 pounds and 25 inches long and is officially grown out of all her 0-3 month clothes! We'll find out in about ten days at her next doctor's appointment what her true measurements are. She'll also be getting her next round of shots; hopefully she'll take them like a champ like the first time around.

Mike and his dad have been busy building a shed in our back yard. The progress is slow, but it looks great and I can't wait until we can use the garage again! Other than that, not too much has been going on. Work is about the same for me and Mike goes back to school in a little over a month. He just got his schedule and starts at 8 and will be done at 2, so once cross country is over, he'll be able to get home before most of the rush hour traffic.

Hope everyone is enjoying the summer and trying to stay cool in this hot weather we've been having.