Wednesday, November 18, 2009

19 week appointment today!

We had the 19 week appointment today. Very nervous and excited to see Sugar and find out how things are moving along. And let me tell you, things were definitely moving in there. The technician had a hard time getting good pics of Sugar as s/he kept moving almost the entire time. It was fun to watch all that movement even though I can’t feel it yet; this helps reassure me that everything is as it should be. Sugar weighs in at 10 ounces, has a heartbeat of 143, and, although this wasn’t an exact measurement, about 10 inches long. I’ve only gained 4 pounds and feel pretty good most of the time. I can’t believe that we’re at the halfway point already! Seems like time is flying by; and I couldn’t be happier. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

New Pics from the Ultrasound

The nurse told us there is no way to tell if it is a boy or girl from the pictures.

Body and leg with bones visible.

Head and belly.

I think we might be having a fish.

Arm. Already flexing.

Face and belly.

Are you feeling...lucky?

Ok. Yes we did resort to betting on who could guess what baby Shunt would look like on D-Day (Delivery-Day, nothing to do with the beaches of Normandy). Well, if you want in on the action, here is the link.

You enter a guess up until April 1. I am sure that is plenty of time. Winner takes half the earnings, the other goes into a savings bond for college one day.

We get to see the baby today. I am sure we will be back shortly.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Almost to the Half Way Point

Not a huge deal, but we are almost half way to the due date. Picking a due date is like being a weatherman. You might be right sometimes, but generally, it is a guess. So we will see if they are right. Appointment soon to see the baby.

Cross Country is over. First Quarter over. Report cards go in tomorrow. Parent teacher conferences soon. And Turkey Day is just around the corner. Wow, time flies.