Wednesday, February 2, 2011

In other non-snow related news, Raegan is getting bigger by the day. Her first top tooth has finally started pushing through after weeks of drooling and chewing. She has been using her teeth to mash up pretty much all her food lately. She is, for the most part, on all table food. No more pureed baby food for this little girl. No allergies so far and she has loved everything she has tried.

She is also learning new things every day. She can now wave hello and good-bye. It's so crazy to think that she's almost one. She can also do her own version of the sign 'more'. I can't wait to teach her the rest of the signs that I know. I think she'll catch on quickly.

Cheering for the Bears before they gave up

Loving Daddy

This is the, 'Aren't I so cute?' head tilt

Hanging with Ozzie

Blizzard 2011

Well, I didn't believe it when they started reporting on it. I kept saying, I'll believe it when I see it. Well...I believe it! The 3rd worst snow storm in Chicago history hit us early Tuesday, February 1st, afternoon and didn't stop til late the next morning. Luckily, Mike was able to make it home in just over an hour and the mom of the little girl I watch was able to make it here safe to pick her up. We spent the night listening to the wind roar and watching the snow swirl around the house. It seemed like it was blowing more than it was snowing, but when we woke up, we were literally snowed in! Our front porch had snow up to my waist cover it. It took us a while to shovel our driveway, but thankfully, we only have a small, one car one. Here are some pictures of our snow day.

Ozzie knee deep in snow

Before shoveling

Raegan getting to explore snow; Oz was waiting to eat it

So ready to go out